Sad Lisa ..........


 寒貓 去拜訪客戶  ....
不小心 ....
把人家放在 桌上的 招財 吉祥物
給 打碎 ........
這是 繼 上次 推開窗戶 // 它 明明 寫著 往外 推 ....
結果 紗窗 掉下去 ......
慘的 是
客戶是 位在 二十樓 之高 .......
好險 沒打到人  ..........
呃 聽說啦
寒貓 會不會 遭天 遣 ??? 

She hangs her head and cries on my shirt
She must be hurt very badly.
Tell me what's making you sad, Li ?
Open your door, don't hide in the dark.
You're lost in the dark, you can trust me,
'Cause you know that's how it must be.
Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.

Her eyes like windows trickle in rain
Upon the pain getting deeper
Though my love wants to relieve her.
She walks alone from wall to wall,
Lost in her hall she can't hear me,
Though I know she likes to be near me.
Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.

She sits in her corner by the door.
There must be more I can tell her
If she really wants me to help her.
I'll do what I can to show her the way
And maybe one day I will free her
Though I know no-one can see her.
Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.

  •   Gloria 於 2012-07-09 22:18 4F
  • 小貓咪啊~妳無俚頭的事件還真不少喔~

  • 版主於 2012-07-10 08:45 回覆
    講這樣 好害羞的說
  •   Hyaline 於 2012-07-08 12:50 3F
  • 這點蔆認同,畢竟沒人會故意醬做的吧。。。

    20樓 (迴音ing。。。。。)

  • 版主於 2012-07-08 21:26 回覆
    這個 嘛 ~~~  是不是 要 怪對方  住太高了 .... 
  •   Hyaline 於 2012-07-06 11:05 2F
  • 哇~~~~20樓吶~


  • 版主於 2012-07-07 22:32 回覆
    哈哈   寒貓 又不是 故意 的說 ........          ~~~      

  •   lily C. 於 2012-07-04 23:11 1F
  • 謝謝寒貓~

  • 版主於 2012-07-05 09:00 回覆
     寒貓的  迷糊事件 似乎 有點過剩 ......  
    能讓你覺得 開心  oh ya !!!!!!!!  

    寒貓 也不想過 悶悶 的日子 唄