close to you .......



Why do birds

Suddenly appear?

Everytime you are near

Just like me

They long to be

Close to you

Why do stars

Fall down from the sky?

Everytime you walk by

Just like me

They long to be

Close to you

On the day that you were born

The angels got together and decided

To create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moondust in your hair

Of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the girls in town

Follow you all around

Just like me

They long to be

Close to you

Just like me

They long to be

Close to you

就會想 翻開筆記
照片裡的人 依然 溫柔的 看著我
耳邊響起 你的聲音
告訴我 不要 隨波逐流

不期然的相逢 卻也 開不了口
風吹動的樹影 似乎是在 低語著
你我 曾經走過的 無數的街頭
而今也只能在記憶中 尋找

是否還記得 當時對生命的態度

因為 照片中的你 依然沒變的